Thursday, May 23, 2013

Six Weeks From Now

I'm going to Africa in 44 days. Is that even real?
6 weeks, 2 days.
It's so soon but so far away :)

I wish I blogged more. I'm going to start. Maybe.

Anyways, last night I paid the final balance for my trip to Liberia. I'm trying not to think about that too much because I will cry in Physics class. But seriously, how awesome is God.
I don't even have anything deep or profound to say because I'm just amazed. I'm in awe.
I'm not surprised because I know with all of my heart that the God works miracles. So I'm not surprised, but I'm humbled and amazed. He never fails to amaze me, ever.
This has literally been a miracle.
I'm so convinced that God is God and he is good and he wants me to go on this trip. Because there is no way I could have done this by myself. In fact, I didn't even do it at all. I wish I could step aside and let God type this because that is how much I was not even involved in this fundraising. The money literally came to my door. And most of it was from people I didn't even ask, and in some cases people I don't even know.
God is awesome. So awesome.
Thank you so much to everyone who donated towards my trip. I cannot possibly explain my gratitude enough. There aren't even words. I can't wait to fly to Africa and love and serve, and I couldn't have done this without you and your support.
And thank you to everyone who prayed and everyone who is praying. That means so much. Honestly there is nothing more you can do for someone than pray, to the one who created the universe and Africa and me and you and everything. Please continue to pray in this next month (and a half-ish) leading up to our trip (and during too!) 
I have been praying for this opportunity forever and ever. If you read my blog you know. I'm thankful for every trip to Africa that didn't work out; I learned so much about faith, trust, patience, etc. God is faithful, always faithful. I love this quote from Kisses From Katie (my all time favorite book ever):

"It is not about God making my dreams come true but about God changing my dreams into His dreams for me life."

I'm so excited to go to Africa because I know it isn't just my dream. I know God has a plan for me there. I know I belong there. I have prayed for so many years, I have seen God work so many little miracles in my life, confirming and answering so many of my prayers. I am so ready and so excited. Just 6 more weeks! Six (hopefully) short weeks!

God is so great, and I can't wait to see what he does in these next weeks and in Liberia.
Thank you so much for your prayers :)