Okay, two things God asked of me this summer: To run, and to read the Bible (the whole thing).
Now let me just let you know, I am not a runner.
Let me say this again in case you missed that.
I am not a runner.
I love it, but I cannot sit here and tell you I'm good at it :)
Okay now that we've cleared that up, let me explain.
Here is something I've learned: Running and reading the Bible are kind of alike.
On the first day, I definitely overestimated myself.
I ran up one hill, (a really big hill) almost threw up, and came home.
I was like, yeah right this is never going to happen.
But I am glad to say that this morning, day six, I ran up 2 hills, down 3, and of course the regular roads that led to those hills! And every morning I can go a little further and it gets a little easier and I feel a little better.
Today when I left my house it was 6:15. I planned out how far I wanted to go, added a little more distance and figured it would take me at least 30 minutes. When I came home it was 6:29.
14 MINUTES!? Yay.
I'm definitely not trying to be impressive to anyone else, but I am impressed with myself :)
I've noticed that I have more energy and just overall feel better.
And it's like the more I do it the more natural it is, and the more I notice it in my life.
Now the Bible part.
I've never read it cover to cover. I've read the whole thing before, but not from Genesis to Revelation.
I always found that the Old Testament was always a lot harder to read (and by read I mean understand and be into) than the New Testament. I'm sure if you've read it you've probably felt the same.
I started reading the Bible and trying to make it a priority in my life when I was in 8th grade.
I have to admit I hated the Old Testament. But now, 2 or 3 years later, I can read it, understand it for the most part, and I like it. (Obviously I'm not an expert on it of course). I just read Exodus in 2 days. I feel like when I talk to God at night, I have a better understanding of the glory, power, majesty, greatness, and worthiness of the God I'm praying to.
Now let me make this clear: I'm not trying to boast about being able to read the Old Testament or how much of the Bible I've read.
Because that's hypocritical, and all I want is God's glory in this.
Reading the Bible isnt something you're "good at".
But I want to encourage you in this: the more you do it, the more it's like running.
I know that reading the Bible isnt always "easy". It's not always exciting and it can be time consuming and boring and maybe even frustrating sometimes.
But the more you read, the more you understand. The more you understand, the more you realize how exciting it actually is. How crazy it is.
The more you read, the more you start to notice it in your life.
A situation will come up, and a verse will come into your head. Or you'll find yourself giving advice, and actually know how to back up what you're saying with scripture.
Your faith becomes your own, and you actually know what you believe and know the God you believe in.
The more you read, the more you can read.
The more you want to read.
The more natural it is.
And suddenly it's not a burden but you realize how worthy God is of your time and how much you need to read it.
It's God's word right there for you!
I don't know if what I just said made a lot of sense, but hopefully it does for someone and hopefully you will test it and find out for yourself how much reading the Bible can actually effect your life :)